

Can you imagine?

 “. . . Father, if You are willing, remove this cup from Me; yet not My will but Yours be done.”   Luke 22:42 NIV

What is the most stressful experience that you’ve ever had?  From my life I’d say watching my wife have not one but two heart attacks and not knowing if she’d make it or not ranks high on my list.  Think about this question for a moment and answer it for yourself.

What do you suppose Jesus felt in the hours before His crucifixion?  Nothing I’ve experienced comes anywhere close–not even one billionth of one percent.  What he went through is beyond anyone’s comprehension.  He knew about the events of the next several hours–the betrayal, the arrest, the accusations, the insults, the trial, the beatings, the humiliation, the shame, the agony, the suffering, the separation, the torture, and the death.  He asked His Father to make another way if possible, but He chose obedience to God’s will.  He prayed so earnestly and passionately that he sweated blood.  His best friends couldn’t even stay awake to support Him.  Even though He had told them of what was ahead, they didn’t get it.

Talk about being alone!  He carried the weight of the world on his shoulders.  I have too much sin in my life, yet He bore not only my sins but yours, too, and everyone else who has lived.  This burden must have been crushing.  He had no responsibility for mankind’s sin, but He had accountability for it.

The Garden of Gethsemane where Jesus prayed still exists in Jerusalem, adjacent to the Church of All Nations.  Some of its olive trees today were around when He was there.  Inside the altar area of this church is the rock where it is believed Jesus prayed.  It’s a place that evokes all kinds of emotions. It’s hard to pray there without crying, knowing that my sin contributed to His punishment and sacrifice.

Do you feel what Jesus Christ did for you?

Prayer: Thank you, Jesus, for Your perfect life, for Your obedience, for your sacrifice.  We don’t deserve it, but Your free gift of grace makes it possible for us to live eternally with You. Amen

Here’s a faith booster!

“By faith we understand the universe was formed at God’s command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible.”  Hebrews 11:3  NIV

Without question you’ve pondered how the universe came into being.  We all have.  As a man of both science and faith, I have no issue accepting the creation story.  In fact, I think it’s the most plausible explanation out there, but it helps to have a little proof.

In the mid-1990s, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) launched a satellite on a multi-year mission.  The objectives included determining the expansion rate of the universe at the “Big Bang”, testing Einstein’s theory on bending gravity waves, etc.  The research was top drawer stuff, contributing to mankind’s understanding of how everything began.

We really don’t know how vast the universe is, although some gross estimates–or “guesstimates”–have been made.  The Milky Way galaxy where we live is pretty small–a speck in the whole scheme of what exists.  Even so, it takes light traveling at 186,000 miles a second about 100 years to cross the Milky Way.  Think about how far this is.  It’s impossible for me to even comprehend this distance.

The NASA research project reached a fascinating conclusion.  Be mindful that we’re talking about science here and not faith.  The Milky Way galaxy did not exist at time = 0.  NASA determined that less than one millionth (1/1,000,000 or 0.000001) of one second later, it was in place.  This rate violates about every law of science known to man–that is, it is miraculous.

What does this science say about how the universe came into being?  The finding isn’t too subtle.  It screams that God spoke the universe into existence.  Don’t ever feel inferior for having faith and believing.

Prayer:  Dear God, thank you of revealing great mysteries to us.  We worship you as our Creator, maker of all things, and we acknowledge your power and majesty.  Amen.





No ordinary shepherds!

“And there were shepherds living out in the fields nearby, keeping watch over their flocks at night.  An angel of the Lord appeared to them . . . and said, I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people.  Today in the town of David a Savior has been born . . .; he is the Messiah, the Lord . . . the shepherds said to one another, ‘Let’s of to Bethlehem and see this thing that has happened . . . ‘ “  Luke 2:8-15 NIV

In yesterday’s devotional, you read that Jesus, the Lamb of God, entered Jerusalem on Palm Sunday through the Golden Gate–the same one used to move lambs into the Temple for sacrifice.  This fact isn’t reported in the Bible.  It came from the historical record of the era.  Today’s devotional speaks to another fascinating event.

All of us know the wonderful Bible stories about Jesus’s birth, including Luke’s recording of shepherds tending the flocks who learned of the holy birth from an angel, and they journeyed to Bethlehem to see Him.  Historians think these shepherds were from Migdal Eder, a place north of Bethlehem.  They weren’t the ordinary, common, and regular keepers of sheep.  These particular shepherds tended the perfect and blemish-free lambs that were sacrificed in the Temple!

Think about the implications!  These shepherds visited the baby Jesus shortly after His birth.  The keeper of the Temple’s lambs travelled to worship the Lamb of God, who would be sacrificed some 33 years in the future.  Does this story add some meaning to the Jesus story for you?  It certainly does for me.

Prayer:  Thank you, God, for revealing your Son, Jesus Christ, to us.  Thank you for the gift of grace for our salvation.  We love and glorify You!  Amen



Palm Sunday and the Golden Gate

“The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him and said, “Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world! “ John 1:29 NIV

Two thousand years ago Jerusalem served as the site of the Jewish Temple and God’s presence on earth under His covenant with the Jewish people. Lambs and other animals were routinely sacrificed as sin offerings. Jesus Christ’s crucifixion and resurrection provided forgiveness forever for all who believe and make Him Lord of their lives.

Today one can walk a path just below the Mount of Olives through a large and ancient Jewish cemetery in the Kidron Valley to the Golden Gate, which is one of twelve gates of the walled city. It is approximately the same path taken by Jesus when He rode the donkey into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday.

Here’s the amazing part. All sacrificial animals entered Jerusalem only through the Golden Gate en route to the Temple. Likewise, Jesus rode the donkey through this same gate on Palm Sunday, only five days prior to His ultimate sacrifice for all mankind as the perfect Lamb of God.

Prayer: Thank you, God, for Jesus’s obedience to Your will through His crucifixion, death, and resurrection, so that we may live. The depth of Your love, Your grace, Your reward is unfathomable to our minds. You are our God, and we give You our praise and worship. Amen.

Why Do Bad Things Happen To Good People

“Why does the way of the wicked prosper? Why do all the faithless live at ease?” Jeremiah 12:1b NIV

These questions recorded many centuries ago occur to every Christian today. Oftentimes when we struggle we see wicked people around us who seem to sail through life without a care. It seems so unfair! Well, we know the rain falls on the just and on the unjust. What happens to us is called life.

For Christians the valley experiences present opportunities for us to become more reliant on Jesus and to deepen our relationship with Him. I’ve found that the worse times in my life have been transformational in creating the best times in my life.

Years ago Paul Harvey, the American journalist of radio fame, made this sage comment, “God in His infinite wisdom and mercy, created hell.” We don’t need to worry about the injustices in this world. Our focus should be on connecting more with Jesus and living a life that will influence others to know Christ through us.

Prayer: Dear God, thank you for the lessons we learn from your Holy Word. Help us to mirror Jesus in becoming the people You want us to be. May we live in ways that lead others to You. In the name of Jesus, Amen.

Let’s Put This Issue in Perspective

From the Old Testament, an observation by King Solomon, arguably the wisest and richest man who has ever lived.     Psalm 127:3 Living Bible (TLB)                                                                                                                         Children are a gift from God; they are his reward.

From the New Testament, a teaching by Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior                                                                                   Mark 9:36-37 New International Version (NIV)                                                                                             36 He took a little child whom he placed among them. Taking the child in his arms, he said to them, 37 “Whoever welcomes one of these little children in my name welcomes me; and whoever welcomes me does not welcome me but the one who sent me.”

Answer this question before you read any further:  what was the number one cause of death worldwide in 2018? 

Its 41.9 million total eclipsed cancer, HIV/Aids, and smoking (non-cancer) combined!  People exposed to it had 100% certainty of dying.  It took out 23% of all humans in a particular age group.  

Worldwide deaths reached 59 million excluding this one cause.  Adding it to the total means 100.9 people died altogether.  The number one cause resulted in almost 42% of all deaths.  (These statistics originated from the World Health Organization.)  

The answer is abortion, the killing of our unborn children.  Do you think God views this practice as acceptable?  How do you think He feels about our failure to prevent it?