Next Best Thing

Proverbs 31:10 New International Version (NIV)  “A wife of noble character who can find?  She is worth far more than rubies.”

Other than accepting God’s free gift of grace and receiving salvation, the next best thing to ever happen to me was finding His choice for my wife.  Our marriage didn’t occur by happenstance.  Both my wife and me firmly believe God directed our paths to cross at the very perfect time for marriage to happen.   

We didn’t know each other and our backgrounds were so different.  I’m a city boy and she’s a country girl.  I lived in Nashville temporarily, and she moved there from Tennessee Ridge, a wide spot in the road.  I worked a part-time job at a downtown department story while sorting out my future education.  She was employed by a major shoe manufacturer at its corporate headquarters.  

I planned to pursue a PhD at one of three universities.  Meanwhile, I attended law school in Nashville to see if this profession possessed any appeal.  The woman who became my wife relocated to Nashville to pursue opportunities that didn’t exist in her home town.  We lived in different parts of the city.  Age-wise we were separated by almost six years.  We didn’t go to the same church or share any mutual friends.  

What determining factor caused us to finally meet?  First and foremost, both of us had been praying earnestly for God to direct us to the marriage partner that He had selected.  Each of us desired His choice and not ours.  Both of us had already demonstrated that we were failures at picking out potential spouses!  We didn’t waver in our prayers or our faith.   

As it turned out, my future wife’s sister-in-law worked at the same company as my brother’s mother-in-law.  Somehow they discussed us one day, and subsequently hooked us up for a blind date.  We felt an attraction for each other quickly, and in only three short weeks I proposed.    

Some may question the speed of our decisions, but both of us had listened to God’s voice and acted.  If you’re in a similar situation trying to find a spouse, just turn it over to God and seek His direction and timing.  It’ll change your life–for the better!  

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